Hello there, I hope you are all getting some stitching time in this January and getting out of the Heat. I plan to have a couple of inside days to dodge this intense heat we are having at the moment.
I would like to thank you all for supporting my Opening Sale that has just finished, you all certainly kept me busy and I hope you are enjoying using your beautiful fabrics that you purchased.
Keep an eye on the website as I am still adding lots of products to it. It will all come accross the new product page. Also keep an eye on instagram and facebook. That is where I post what is going on in the shop.
This is just a reminder email about the First Stitching Day that is to be held at "Pinegrove" on Thursday 25th January, 10am till 4pm. Bring your own lunch.
I hope you can make it, RSVP is essential by Tuesday 23rd please.
Happy Stitching

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